President: Elizabeth Bretko, Uber Herbal
Vice President: Mike Driggs, Mike's Local Fish
Treasurer: Lety Reid, Victory Garden
Secretary: Peter Salant, Salant Family Ranch
Emily Ehrlich Inget, Blue Collar Berry Patch Laura Gaudioso, Bright Star Bakery
Anna Stevens, Rusted Gate Farm
Open Seat
Open Seat
Rogue Valley Growers and Crafters Market Board of Directors represent a diverse cross-section of our membership. Growers, crafters and food processors participate on our board, along with elected community members.
Nine-members in all, they are a group of dedicated board members volunteering their time to our organization to ensure its mission is upheld, and its policies and operations are successful.
Board member terms are three years. Community members (non-vendors) may serve on the board (the two-year vendor in good-standing rule does not apply to community members). If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors in future terms, please reach out to the board directly at board2024@rvgrowersmarket.com Thank you for your interest!